首页> 中文期刊>江西农业学报 >中国传统园林'小中见大'造园手法在现代园林中的应用分析——以王向荣教授展园作品为例




以竹园、青岛园、四盒园、快乐田园、天地之间和心灵的花园为对象,以王向荣教授的展园作品为例,分析了中国传统园林5种"小中见大"造园手法(遮挡地面、框景、框景错位、俯视和仰视)在其中的应用.分析表明这些展园的设计手法是对中国传统园林空间手法的继承和发展;小中见大造园手法对构建中国园林的独特空间属性具有重要的理论和实践意义.%Taking the exhibited garden works (Bamboo Garden, Qingdao Park, Four-box Garden, Happy Countryside, Garden between Sky and Earth, and Psychical Garden) of Professor WANG Xiang-rong as examples, the author analyzed the application of 5 kinds of Chinese traditional "Imaging the big from the small" landscape architectural techniques (covering the ground, enframed scenery, enframed scenery dislocation, looking down, and looking up) in modern garden.We considered that: the design techniques in these exhibited garden works were the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional garden space method;these "Imaging the big from the small" landscape architectural techniques had important theoretical and practical significance for the construction of the unique space properties of Chinese garden.



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