首页> 中文期刊> 《中州学刊》 >国外自贸区外商投资准入制度实践经验及启示∗




the free trade area of foreign investment access system is equilibrating the free demand of foreign investment for the country and the system arrangement of the host country′s sovereignty and the protection of industry security, and based on safeguarding national sovereignty, security and economy, local resources and industry security, expanding degree of opening to the outside world, at⁃tracting overseas capital investment is the essential embodiment of the foreign investment access system. The foreign investment access system arrangement in foreign free trade area is relatively mature, study the concrete practice of the foreign investment access system ar⁃rangement in free trade area is conducive to the continuous optimization and improvement of China′s foreign investment access system in free trade area. This paper selects the foreign investment access systems in the free trade area of the United States, the European U⁃nion, Japan and South Korea four typical countries ( regions) as the research objects, summarizes and draws a conclusion that the per⁃fecting our country′s foreign investment access system in free trade area should be mainly from accelerating the improvement of relevant domestic laws and regulations, the all-round improving the negative list set pattern and content, further improving the foreign invest⁃ment supervision in the post and mid-regulation system.%自由贸易区外商投资准入制度是均衡一个国家外商投资自由化需求与东道国国家主权及产业安全保护的制度安排,在保障国家主权、经济安全、本土资源和产业安全的基础上,扩大对外开放程度、吸引海外资本投资是外商投资准入制度的本质体现。国外自由贸易区外商投资准入制度安排相对较为成熟,研究国外自由贸易区外商投资准入制度安排的具体实践经验有利于我国自由贸易区外商投资准入制度的不断优化与完善。完善我国自由贸易区外商投资准入制度应主要从加快完善国内相关法律法规、多角度全方位完善负面清单设置模式及内容、进一步完善外商投资事中事后监管制度着手。



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