首页> 中文期刊>学术探索 >民国中央少数民族教育政策研究述评




In recent years,studies of the early modernization of education in minority areas have gradually become an important topic in the research of modern Chinese history.The central government of the Republic of China attached great importance to the development of social,economic and cultural undertakings in the minority areas.It put the popularization of school education and public education into the formal educational system,treated it as a special social undertaking,which was different from the ancient cultural and educational policy context,and made systematic minority educational policy to implement it.This paper makes a brief review of the research progress on the minority education policy of the Central Government of the Republic of China from four perspectives of the frontier education history,the history of ethnic education,local history and policies study.Then it discusses the deficiencies in the study and points out the directions in the future.%近年来关于边疆民族地区的教育早期现代化研究渐已成为中国近代史研究的重要课题。民国中央政府重视边疆民族地区社会、经济和文化事业的发展问题,在历史上创造性地将边疆民族地区学校教育和民众教育的普及工作纳入国家正规教育体系,并作为一项专门的社会事业以有别于古代文教政策语境,制定系统的少数民族教育政策来予以推进。本文从边疆教育史、民族教育史、地方断代史、政策专题研究等四条研究路径概述学界对民国中央少数民族教育政策研究的进展情况,并讨论了课题研究的不足和后续研究的方向。



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