


在孟子的性善论中,命是性的本原,心是性的显现.性和心的含义都包括"体"和"用"两层:从体而言,性是人之所以为人的良知良能,心是人的良心本心;从用而言,性是仁义礼智四端,心是侧隐、羞恶、恭敬、是非四心.良心本心作为性善论的立论基础,是人的道德本能、道德理性和道德意志的集合,其显现过程是从道德本能出发经过道德理性逐渐上升到道德意志的过程.孟子的性善论不是向善论,而是性本善论.%In Mencius'theory of the original goodness in human nature,fate is the original source of xing(nature).Heart is the appearance of nature.There are two aspects to nature and heart:ti(form)and yong(function).From the perspective of form,nature is liangzhi(the goodness in conscience)and liangneng(the inborn ability to be good)in human beings and heart is human's conscience and original heart.From the perspective of function,nature is the four things of benevolence,righteousness,propriety and wisdom,and heart consists in compassion,shame,respect,right and wrong.As the foundation for the theory of the original goodness in human nature,conscience and heart are a combination of human moral instinct,moral rationality and moral volition.whereas moral instinct gradually rises to moral volition and passes through moral rationality.Mencius'theory of the original goodness in human nature is not a theory of future goodness,but a theory of original goodness.



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