首页> 外文学位 >Emergence of the Human Religious Icon in Early China: Xiwangmu Image During the Han Period (206B.C.-220A.D.).

Emergence of the Human Religious Icon in Early China: Xiwangmu Image During the Han Period (206B.C.-220A.D.).


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Xiwangmu, the Queen Mother of the West, was the most important deity in early Chinese mythology, and the most prosperous period of Xiwangmu was the Han Dynasty. As a unique cultural phenomenon, the face of the Xiwangmu image went through different evaluation stages: first the mythical figure, then the dominator of the immortal land, and at last the human religious icon with popular worship in the whole empire, who had a long-term influence on later age. Xiwangmu image was a key to understand the ancient Chinese concept on images.;The first chapter is an introduction. Specifically, we first simply neaten the literature and pictures of Xiwangmu to present an overview. After that, the society background and the general beliefs in Han Dynasty are given. At last, we introduce the research background of Xiwangmu and the research method of this thesis.;Chapter II, III, IV and V, study Xiwangmu images in Henan Province, Jiangsu Shandong and Anhui Province, North of Shannxi and Northwest of Shanxi Province and Southwest China, respectively. In each of these Chapters, we first introduce the local elements in Xiwangmu images. After that, we conduct the typology study based on iconography. According to different materials and carriers, we establish the space-time framework and sequences of Xiwangmu images in each region, and sum up the characteristics of evolution.;In Chapter VI, we first summarize the templets of Xiwangmu images for all the areas, and further discuss the templates' variation and creation during their practice. After that, we conclude the image style of each area, as well as the communicate and interact among different areas. We also try to conjecture the method and route in which Xiwangmu Sages spread and circulated.;In Chapter VII, we first interpret Xiwangmu images' quality and function based on the image features, pictorial program, and relative positions. After that, we discuss Xiwangmu images' origin and development in the background of pre-Qin and Han Dynasty art and the external influence. The mutual stimulation and inner tension with Buddhism and Taoism images are also pointed out.;This thesis concentrates on Xiwangmu images on artwork and artifacts in Han Dynasty. We analyze Xiwangmu's figure (including Dongwanggong), the image system, image structure and the pictorial program according to their different regions and materials. We further unearth the image meaning, significance and function. Through the case study of this subject, we make an attempt to find the inherent rules of ancient Chinese visual art, and we regard Xiwangmu Sage as the first human religious icon in early China.


  • 作者

    Wang, Suqi.;

  • 作者单位

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong).;

  • 授予单位 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong).;
  • 学科 Religion General.;Asian Studies.;Art History.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2010
  • 页码 695 p.
  • 总页数 695
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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  • 专利


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