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Development of perceived instrumentality for mathematics, reading and science curricula.


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Perceptions of instrumentality (PI) are the connections one sees between a current activity and a future goal. With high PI, one is motivated to persist with quality effort because the current activity, even when difficult, is perceived as aligned with, and progress toward, the goal. Conversely, with low PI, one is motivated to relinquish effort in pursuit of other, more meaningful goals. In view of the alarming dropout rates in this country, it appears that PI research has much to offer in understanding students' motivations to stay in school and hence to become employed in their field of choice. Because academic achievement motivation can be affected by gender and ethnicity, particularly for specific components of the curriculum, and because curricular content varies across grade levels and school settings, this line of research offers significant potential for understanding and improving student outcomes. This research examined the development of PI among suburban 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th graders from a school district in the southwestern United States. Twelve hundred students completed a one-time paper and pencil survey measuring the perceived instrumentality of mathematics, literacy and science courses in terms of the students' occupational choices. MANOVA was used to determine factors that may affect students' overall PI and individual subject PI. Grade, gender, ethnicity, occupational choice, expectancy and value were the independent variables. A school setting variable was examined for effects on 12th graders. For the 8th through 12th grade sample, significant main effects were observed for grade, gender, minority status, occupational choice and expectancy on PI. Results show that PI is highest in the 6 th grade. Males reported higher Math PI than females. Females reported higher Reading PI and Science PI than males. Minority students reported lower overall PI and Science PI than non-minority students. Students who aspire to professional careers report the highest PI; and students who expect to achieve their occupational choice score higher than those who do not. Among 12th graders, significant two-way interaction effects on PI were observed between school type and gender; school type and occupational value; and, occupational expectancy and value.
机译:工具性(PI)的感知是人们看到的当前活动与未来目标之间的联系。有了较高的PI,人们就有动力坚持不懈地努力,因为即使在困难的情况下,当前的活动也被视为与目标保持一致并朝着目标前进。相反,在PI较低的情况下,一个人就会放弃为追求其他更有意义的目标而付出的努力。鉴于这个国家的辍学率令人震惊,看来PI研究对于了解学生留在学校的动机并因此成为他们选择的职业提供了很多帮助。由于学业成就的动机会受到性别和种族的影响,尤其是针对课程的特定组成部分,并且由于课程内容随年级和学校设置的不同而不同,因此这一研究领域为理解和改善学生的学习成果提供了巨大的潜力。这项研究调查了来自美国西南部学区的郊区6、8、10和12年级学生中PI的发展。 1200名学生完成了一次纸笔调查,以根据学生的职业选择来衡量数学,读写能力和理科课程的感知工具。 MANOVA用于确定可能影响学生的整体PI和个别学科PI的因素。等级,性别,种族,职业选择,期望和价值是自变量。检查了学校设置变量对12年级学生的影响。对于8年级至12年级的样本,在PI的等级,性别,少数民族地位,职业选择和期望方面观察到了显着的主要影响。结果表明,PI在六年级最高。男性报告的数学PI高于女性。女性报告的阅读PI和科学PI高于男性。少数民族学生报告的总体PI和科学PI低于非少数民族学生。渴望职业生涯的学生的PI最高;期望实现职业选择分数的学生比那些没有达到目标的学生更高。在12年级的学生中,学校类型和性别之间对PI的双向交互作用显着;学校类型和职业价值;以及职业期望和价值。


  • 作者

    Garcia, Steve L.;

  • 作者单位

    Arizona State University.;

  • 授予单位 Arizona State University.;
  • 学科 Educational psychology.;Science education.;Reading instruction.;Mathematics education.;Gender studies.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2010
  • 页码 112 p.
  • 总页数 112
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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