首页> 中文学位 >古代法律典籍中“刑”的英译比较研究——以《尚书·吕刑》的两个英译本为例






Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Shangshu

1.1.2 A Brief Introduction to Translation of Shangshu

1.2 Research Significance

1.3 Layout of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Interpretation of xing

2.1.1 The Source of Semantic Interpretation of xing

2.1.2 The Relation Between xing and “fa”(Law)

2.2 Relevant Researches of Shangshu

2.2.1 Domestic Researches

2.2.2 Oversea Researches

2.3 Summary of Achievemens and Problems

Chapter 3 An Overview of the Translation of xing in Chinese Classics

3.1Xing in English Versions

3.1.1 The Early Translation of xing in Ancient Chinese Classics

3.1.2 The Translation of xing in the Modern Chinese Legal Languages

3.2 General Translation Strategies of xing in Chinese Classics

3.2.1 Literal Translation

3.2.2 Faithful Translation

3.3 Translation Principles of xing in Chinese Legal Classics

3.3.1 Accuracy

3.3.2 Conciseness

3.3.3 Strictness

3.3.4 Sincerity

Chapter 4 Comparative Study of Words in English Translation of xing in Legal Classics

4.1 Xing in Common Words

4.1.1 Main Significance and Application

4.1.2 Relative Translation Strategies

4.2 Xing in Legal Terms

4.2.1 Main Significance and Application

4.2.2 Relative Translation Strategies

4.3 Influence on Word Choice in English translation of xing in Lüxing

4.3.1 Intralingual Translation

4.3.2 Cultural Diversity

4.3.3 Polysemy

Chapter 5 Comparative Study of Sentences in English Translation of xing in Legal Classics

5.1 Translation of xing in Simple Legal Sentences

5.1.1 Formal Equivalence

5.1.2 Semantic Equivalence

5.2 Translation of xing in Complex Legal Sentences

5.2.1 Formal Transformation

5.2.2 Semantic Equivalence

5.3 Reasons for the Differences of Syntactic Characteristics in English Translation of xing

5.3.1 Synthetic and Analytic

5.3.2 Hypotactic and Paratactic

5.3.3 Substitutive and Repetitive

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 A Brief Review

6.2 Major Viewpoints

6.3 Some Limitations of the Present Thesis and Suggestion for Further Research to be Perfected




蕴含丰富中国古代法律文化典籍的对外译介与传播,是树立中国“文化自信”,“讲好中国故事”,向西方“真实、立体”的彰显中国传统法文化与民族精神的重要途径,亦是典籍翻译者、法律语言学者和比较法学研究者责无旁贷的使命。法律典籍翻译既要遵循翻译的普通原则,又要遵循法律翻译独有的特殊原则,因此对法律典籍中“刑”这一古代法律术语的翻译研究有利于提高典籍英译本的质量。  《尚书》作为中国上古时代的法律典籍之一,以其丰富的法律语言在“五经”之中独树一帜。《吕刑》是《尚书》中的一篇谈法专著,有不少的具体条文,是研究中国古代法律文化的珍贵原始材料,也是研究“刑”之类中国古代法律术语英译的重要语料。“刑”与古代法文化息息相关,现代法律文本中亦可谓无处不见,因其历史久远,又存在一字多义现象,翻译过程中须字句斟酌,精益求精。  《尚书》的各种英译本不乏上乘之作,但其中存在的诸多曲解和误译却未见系统研究,《吕刑》英译研究尤其如此。本文以古今大量训诂考释语料为据,基于现行翻译批评理论,比较不同译本传达原文中“刑”的含义之得与失,从选词、遣句两个层次进行分析研究。在选词层面上,总结出语内翻译、文化差异、一字多义现象对“刑”英译的影响;在遣句层面上,归因于英汉语言差异之综合与分析、形合与意合、替代与重复,旨在从理论和实践两个方面出发揭示法律典籍翻译的潜在原则,丰富《尚书》英译本研究,推动中国古代法律典籍文化“走出去”,有效促进中西方法律思想文化交流。


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  • 授予单位 西南政法大学;
  • 学科 外国语言文学;外国语言学及应用语言学
  • 授予学位 硕士
  • 导师姓名 熊德米;
  • 年度 2021
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 chi
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