首页> 中文学位 >论字母词——一种新的借词







Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The phenomenon of lettered-words

1.2 The research of lettered-words

1.3 Organization of the dissertation

ChapterTwo Aspects of lettered-words

2.1 The definition of lettered-words

2.2 Attitudes toward lettered-words in the Chinese linguistic circle

2.2.1 Negative attitude toward lettered-words

2.2.2 Positive attitude toward lettered-words

2.3 Classification of lettered-words

2.4 The written form of lettered-words

2.4.1 The written form of lettered-words concerning capitalization

2.4.2 Problems in the aspect of written form of lettered-words

2.5 How lettered-words are used

2.6 The rhetoric use of lettered-words

2.6.1 Lettered-words used in euphemism

2.6.2 Lettered-words used in metonymy

2.6.3 Lettered-words used in pun

2.6.4 Lettered-words used in numerical formulae

Chapter Three The historical development and the causes for the introduction of lettered-words

3.1 The historical development of lettered-words

3.1.1 The embryonic period and characteristics of lettered-words

3.1.2 The expansion period and characteristics of lettered-words

3.2 The causes for the introduction of lettered-words

3.2.1 The internal causes

3.2.2 The external causes

Chapter Four What happened to lettered-words over the process of assimilation into Chinese?

4.1 Phonetic changes

4.1.1 Tone addition

4.1.2 Phonetic substitution

4.2 Morphological changes

4.2.1 Inflection

4.2.2 The lexicalization of lettered-words

4.2.3 The conversion of lettered-words

4.3 Semantic changes

4.3.1 The original meaning is narrowed

4.3.2 The original meaning is broadened

Chapter Five How have lettered-words got borrowed?

5.1 Code-switching

5.2 The differences between CS and borrowing

5.3 The process of lettered-words from CS to loanwords

Chapter Six Conflicts brought by lettered-words and how to standardize them

6.1 Conflicts brought by lettered-words

6.1.1 Conflicts brought by the pronunciation of lettered-words

6.1.2 Conflicts brought by the written form of lettered-words

6.1.3 The obscurity of meaning of lettered-words

6.2 How to standardize lettered-words

6.2.1 The general principles for the standardization of lettered-words

6.2.2 The concrete measures for the standardization of lettered-words

6.3 The inclusion of lettered-words in the dictionary

6.3.1 Lettered-words taken into the dictionaries

6.3.2 The concrete problems concerning the inclusion of lettered-words in the dictionary

Chapter Seven Conclusion




字母词,作为一种新的借词方式,是随着改革开放中外交流日益频繁而大量出现在汉语中的。自上世纪九十年代以来,有关字母词的问题越来越引起人们的关注,特别是应用语言学领域的专家学者们展开了热烈的讨论。字母词已不再是身份未明,而是登堂入室,进入汉语中来,并为人们所广泛接受。有关权威词典开始大量收录字母词便是明证。 本文在前人研究的基础上,探讨了字母词的相关问题,如名称、定义、归类、发音、态度、书写形式、使用状态以及字母词在汉语中的修辞用法。在回顾字母词发展历史的基础上,本文探究了字母词在汉语中大量出现的原因。之后又探讨了字母词在使用过程中发生的诸多变化,涉及语音、形体、语义等诸方面,并试图勾勒出字母词一步一步从语码转换到成为汉语借词的历程。在广泛描写的基础上,最后本文提出了规范字母词的基本原则和具体方法。认为词典是规范字母词的有效工具,并探讨了词典收录字母词的情况。 本文也指出了有关字母词的诸多问题,如滥用字母词、同形词、异体词,特别是字母词的读音问题,己成为其在汉语中健康发展的瓶颈。并建议有关国家部门承担起这项任务,在广泛调查研究的基础上制定出其读音标准。



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