首页> 中文学位 >中文小说和散文中/英语码转换的前景化特征——语码转换研究的功能文体学视角






论文说明:List of Tables、List of Figures、List of Abbreviations


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Scope and purpose of the present study

1.2 Significance of the present study

1.3 Organization of the dissertation

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Codeswitching: Definitions and terminologies

2.2.1 Definitions of codeswitching

2.2.2 Codeswitching and bilingualism

2.2.3 Codeswitching and borrowing

2.2.4 Codeswitching, pidgins and creoles

2.3 Approaches to the analysis of codeswitching

2.3.1 The sociolinguistic approach

2.3.2 The grammatical approach

2.3.3 The psycholinguistic approach

2.3.4 The conversational analysis approach

2.3.5 Discussion

2.4 Other studies on codeswitching

2.4.1 Codeswitching and politics

2.4.2 Codeswitching in foreign language classroom

2.5 Summary


Chapter Three Data and Methodology of the Present Study

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Data of the present study

3.2.1 Description of the data

3.2.2 Written codeswitching: 'authentic' vs. 'artificial'

3.3 Research methodology

3.3.1 Description of the methodology

3.3.2 The grammatical unit of analysis for written codeswitching

3.4 Codeswitching and borrowing revisited

3.5 Summary

Chapter Four Theoretical Framework

4.1 Introduction

4.2 The theory of foregrounding

4.2.1 Origin in Russian Formalism and psychology

4.2.2 Elaboration in Prague Structuralism and Functionalism

4.2.3 Further development in British stylistics

4.2.4 Later development by van Peer

4.3 The adoption of Halliday's theory of foregrounding

4.4 The study of codeswitching from a functional stylistic perspective

4.4.1 Codeswitching as style

4.4.2 The functional interpretation of language

4.5 A description of the present framework

4.6 Summary


Chapter Five The Foregrounded Feature of Codeswitching: The Ideational Function

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Codeswitching in relation to field

5.3 The foregrounding of codeswitching in terms of its experiential function

5.3.1 The distribution of codeswitched word classes

5.3.2 A grammatical analysis of switched word groups

5.3.3 Switches of nominal groups

5.3.4 Switches of verbal groups

5.3.5 Switches of adverbial groups and prepositional phrases

5.3.6 Discussion

5.4 The foregrounding of codeswitching in terms of its logical function

5.5 The foregrounding of intersentential codeswitching

5.6 Summary


Chapter Six The Foregrounded Feature of Codeswitching: The Interpersonal Function

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Codeswitching in relation to tenor

6.3 The foregrounding of codeswitching in the structure of Mood

6.3.1 The nature of interaction

6.3.2 The structure of Mood

6.3.3 Switching of the Subject and the Complement

6.3.4 Switching of the Predicator

6.3.5 Switching of the Finite

6.3.6 Switching of the Adjuncts

6.3.7 Discussion

6.4 The foregrounding of codeswitching in minor clauses

6.5 The foregrounding of codeswitching in terms of evaluation

6.5.1 An overview of the Appraisal system

6.5.2 The foregrounding of codeswitching: Attitude

6.5.3 The foregrounding of codeswitching: Graduation

6.5.4 The foregrounding of codeswitching: Heteroglossia

6.6 Summary


Chapter Seven The Foregrounded Feature of Codeswitching: The Textual Function

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Codeswitching in relation to mode

7.3 The foregrounding of codeswitching in terms of cohesion

7.3.1 Cohesion as a semantic relation

7.3.2 Reference

7.3.3 Substitution and ellipsis

7.3.4 Conjunction

7.3.5 Lexical cohesion

7.3.6 Discussion

7.4 The foregrounding of codeswitching in terms of Theme and information

7.4.1 Codeswitching in the thematic structure

7.4.2 Codeswitching in the information structure

7.4.3 The foregrounding of codeswitching through the interaction of thematic structure and information structure

7.5 The foregrounding of codeswitching in term of intertextuality

7.6 Summary


Chapter Eight An Interpretation of the Stylistic Functions of Written Codeswitching in relation to its Metafunctions

8.1 Introduction

8.2 The stylistic functions of codeswitching in the spoken language

8.3 The stylistic functions of codeswitching in the written language

8.3.1 Stylistic functions: written vs. spoken codeswitching

8.3.2 Written codeswitching: stylistic functions vs. metafunctions

8.4 Summary

Chapter Nine Conclusions and Implications

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Research questions revisited

9.3 Implications of the present study

9.3.1 Significance for the field of functional stylistics

9.3.2 Significance for the study of bilingualism

9.4 Limitations of the present study

9.5 Suggestions for future studies

9.6 Summary









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