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A Case Study on ESP Teaching in China Central University of Science and Technlolgy



Language plays a very important role in the development of humans since it enables people to communicate with each another and pass acquired knowledgeamongst themselves for better development of the world's society, so it is obviouslycrucial to learn it, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) was introduced as aconsequence of the latest globalization, international integration, communication andtrade, and currently ESP is one of the prominent along with English as Foreign Language (EFL) taught in ChimL This study aims at determining the educational/pedagogical features affecting teaching ESP in China with an emphasis on the Central China Uruversity of Science and Technology. The purpose of the study was toinvestigate educational factors affecting teaching and learrung of ESP from students'perspectives in one of the Chinese universities. The research instruments for datacollection to meet the research objectives were: questionnaires which were distributedto students of ESP in Central China University of Science and Technology, so theycould give their opinions and classroom observations which were conducted in orderto capture the actual picture on ESP teaching in the university.This is then followed by the analysis of collected data in order to determinefactors affecting teaching and leaming of ESP in Central China University of Scienceand Technology. The findings oftlus research are as follows:Students were found to have positive attitude towards ESP and they enjoyleanung it. However, the materials used at the university are perceived not enough andup-to-date and teaching is not content-based. The majority of the students of ESPcourse at the university are not excellent English speakers. It shows that the universitydoes not consider student's qualifications in general English (GE) before admittingthem for ESP course which could contribute to students not doing very well in thesecourses. Lack of common expectations among ESP students in the university is one ofthe factors that hinder qualitative learning and teaching of ESP course. Therefore, thismakes it difficult for a single teacher to come with holistic ESP curriculums thatsatisfy diverse student's expectations as shown in the study. The majority of thestudents who participated in the study pointed out those ESP teachers do not offer fullsupport and feedback to student. This undermined the efficiency in teaching since ESPis a new concept and enough support from their teachers is of paramount importance.The study suggests that understanding of the features of ESP teaching, thenature of students' field of study, choosing appropriate teaching materials, creatingpractice situations relevant to specific fields of study, planning appropriate assessment by teachers and administrators are all important components of a successful ESP teaching in other contexts in China universities, not only those in the researcheduniversity. Hopefully, this study would help researches, course teachers, and studentsto be more aware of pedagogical features of ESP teaching in HUST. Researches willbe able to use the findings ofthis study. Course teachers will have a chance'to be moreprepared to plan course design which contributes to positive learning experience andstudents will discover leamers' perceptions of themselves.



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