首页> 外文会议>World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics(SCI 2002) v.14: Image, Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing III; 20020714-20020718; Orlando,FL; US >Optimum demodulation of digital signals in multipath channels for using of signals of rays separation by the phased antenna lattice

Optimum demodulation of digital signals in multipath channels for using of signals of rays separation by the phased antenna lattice


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The linear space processing of signals by the phased antenna lattice causing to signals of different rays separation, and their further optimum only time coherent processing with account of additive correlated gaussian noise in the channel containing independent fluctuation and a concentrated component is considered. The expressions for error probability of demodulation and power gain of space-time processing of a field with signals of rays separation concerning processing in one space point by means of Klovsky-Nikolaev algorithm (KNA), taking into account an intersymbol interference in the channel are obtained. This gain will increase with growth of number of lattice elements and memory of the channel. Only these parameters determine a gain using only fluctuation noise in the channel. In more common case the gain depends on parameters of a noise.



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