
Finite Model Reasoning in DL-Lite


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The semantics of OWL-DL and its subclasses are based on the classical semantics of first-order logic, in which the interpretation domain may be an infinite set. This constitutes a serious expressive limitation for such ontology languages, since, in many real application scenarios for the Semantic Web, the domain of interest is actually finite, although the exact cardinality of the domain is unknown. Hence, in these cases the formal semantics of the OWL-DL ontology does not coincide with its intended semantics. In this paper we start filling this gap, by considering the subclasses of OWL-DL which correspond to the logics of the DL-Lite family, and studying reasoning over finite models in such logics. In particular, we mainly consider two reasoning problems: deciding satisfiability of an ontology, and answering unions of conjunctive queries (UCQs) over an ontology. We first consider the description logic DL-Lite_R and show that, for the two above mentioned problems, finite model reasoning coincides with classical reasoning, i.e., reasoning over arbitrary, unrestricted models. Then, we analyze the description logics DL-Lite_F and DL-Lite_A Differently from DL-Lite_R, in such logics finite model reasoning does not coincide with classical reasoning. To solve satisfiability and query answering over finite models in these logics, we define techniques which reduce polynomially both the above reasoning problems over finite models to the corresponding problem over arbitrary models. Thus, for all the DL-Lite languages considered, the good computational properties of satisfiability and query answering under the classical semantics also hold under the finite model semantics. Moreover, we have effectively and easily implemented the above techniques, extending the DL-Lite reasoner QuOnto with support for finite model reasoning.



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