
Advances in GaAs mosfet's using Ga_2O_3(Gd_2O_3) As gate oxide

机译:Ga_2O_3(Gd_2O_3)作为栅氧化物的GaAs MOSFET研究进展

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In this articl, we review the recent progress on GaAs MOSFET's using in-situ MBE-grown Ga_2O_3(Gd_2O_3) as the gate dielectric. Both depletion-mode (D-mode) and inversion-mode (I-mode) GaAs MOSFET's with negligible drain current drift and hysteresis are demonstrated. The absence of drain current drift and hysteresis indicates that the excellent stability of the oxide and low oxide/GaAs interface state density have been achieved. The drain current density and transconductance are about one order of magnitude higher than the best previous reported data in the literature for an inversion-mode GaAs MOSFET. Excellent high frequency and power performances were also measured from the depletion-mode devices. These improvements are attributed to the excellent Ga_2O_3(Gd_2O_3) oxide properties and novel processing techniques.
机译:在本文中,我们回顾了使用原位MBE生长的Ga_2O_3(Gd_2O_3)作为栅极电介质的GaAs MOSFET的最新进展。耗尽型(D-mode)和反转型(I-mode)砷化镓MOSFET的漏极电流漂移和迟滞都可以忽略不计。没有漏极电流漂移和磁滞现象表明已经实现了出色的氧化物稳定性和低氧化物/ GaAs界面态密度。漏极电流密度和跨导比反向模式GaAs MOSFET的文献中最好的先前报道的数据高大约一个数量级。还从耗尽型器件测量了出色的高频和功率性能。这些改进归因于出色的Ga_2O_3(Gd_2O_3)氧化物性能和新颖的加工技术。



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