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The effect of power balance with shareholder structure on the level of cash dividend distribution: A Theoretical and Empirical Study




The unbalanced ownership structure is one of the most important factors which cause the booming of paying out cash dividend in listed companies of China. First, Descriptive statistics about the existing condition of the power balance with shareholder structure has been made in this paper. Chinese listed companies which paid out cash dividend in 2006 are chosen as samples. The mean and median of these companies with different ownership structure are compared with independent samples T-text and Mann-Whitney U-text. The result is that the level of cash dividend distribution of the balance companies is lower than the other ones significantly. It illustrates that the existence of power balance with shareholder structure can restrict controlling shareholders to enlist self-interest and optimize corporate governance. Finally, considering about the existing condition we make some suggestions about policy.
机译:股权结构失衡是导致中国上市公司现金分红激增的最重要因素之一。首先,对股东结构下权力平衡的现状进行了描述性统计。选择2006年支付现金股利的中国上市公司作为样本。将这些所有权结构不同的公司的均值和中位数与独立样本T文本和Mann-Whitney U文本进行比较。结果是,平衡公司的现金股利分配水平明显低于其他公司。这说明存在具有股东结构的权力平衡会限制控股股东争取自身利益并优化公司治理。最后,考虑到现有条件,我们对政策提出了一些建议。



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