首页> 外文会议>Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXIII >Information Fusion: Telling a Story (or Threat Narrative)

Information Fusion: Telling a Story (or Threat Narrative)


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Today's operators face a "double whammy" - the need to process increasing amounts of information, including "Twitter-INT" (social information such as Facebook, You-Tube videos, blogs, Twitter) as well as the need to discern threat signatures in new security environments, including those in which the airspace is contested. To do this will require the Air Force to "fuse and leverage its vast capabilities in new ways." For starters, the integration of quantitative and qualitative information must be done in a way that preserves important contextual information since the goal increasingly is to identify and mitigate violence before it occurs. To do so requires a more nuanced understanding of the environment being sensed, including the human environment, ideally from the "emic" perspective; that is, from the perspective of that individual or group. This requires not only data and information that informs the understanding of how the individuals and/or groups see themselves and others (social identity) but also information on how that identity filters information in their environment which, in turn, shapes their behaviors. The goal is to piece together the individual and/or collective narratives regarding threat, the threat narrative, from various sources of information. Is there a threat? If so, what is it? What is motivating the threat? What is the intent of those who pose the threat and what are their capabilities and their vulnerabilities? This paper will describe preliminary investigations regarding the application of prototype hybrid information fusion method based on the threat narrative framework.
机译:如今的运营商面临着“双重打击”-处理越来越多的信息(包括“ Twitter-INT”(Facebook,You-Tube视频,博客,Twitter等社交信息))以及识别威胁签名的需求新的安全环境,包括争夺领空的环境。为此,空军将需要“以新方式融合和利用其强大的能力”。首先,定量和定性信息的整合必须保留重要的背景信息,因为目标越来越多地是在暴力发生之前识别和减轻暴力。要做到这一点,最好是从“邪恶”的角度对被感测的环境(包括人类环境)有更细微的了解;即从该个人或团体的角度来看。这不仅需要有助于理解个人和/或群体如何看待自己和他人(社会身份)的数据和信息,而且还需要有关该身份如何过滤其环境中的信息的信息,从而反过来影响他们的行为。目的是将来自各种信息来源的关于威胁的个人和/或集体叙述(即威胁叙述)组合在一起。有威胁吗?如果是这样,那是什么?是什么造成了威胁?那些构成威胁的人的意图是什么?他们的能力和弱点是什么?本文将对基于威胁叙事框架的原型混合信息融合方法的应用进行初步研究。



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