
Aerial Video and Ladar Imagery Fusion for Persistent Urban Vehicle Tracking


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We assess the impact of supplementing two-dimensional video with three-dimensional geometry for persistent vehicle tracking in complex urban environments. Using recent video data collected over a city with minimal terrain content, we first quantify erroneous sources of automated tracking termination and identify those which could be ameliorated by detailed height maps. They include imagery misregistration, roadway occlusion and vehicle deceleration. We next develop mathematical models to analyze the tracking value of spatial geometry knowledge in general and high resolution ladar imagery in particular. Simulation results demonstrate how 3D information could eliminate large numbers of false tracks passing through impenetrable structures. Spurious track rejection would permit Kalman filter coasting times to be significantly increased. Track lifetimes for vehicles occluded by trees and buildings as well as for cars slowing down at corners and intersections could consequently be prolonged. We find high resolution 3D imagery can ideally yield an 83% reduction in the rate of automated tracking failure.



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