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Laboratory Assessment of Drilling-Fluid Formation Damage in Sandstone Cores and Mitigation With Lignite Additives for High-Temperature Fields


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This paper describes first results of an extensive laboratory research program aiming at identifying potential additives for bentonite suspensions which would extend their use at high temperatures by maintaining or even improving the rheological and the filtration characteristics of these fluids. Five different Grrek lignites have been tested, at 3% wt. concentration, together with a commercial lignite product, used as reference. API filter press data and rheological data showed that thermal aging of bentonite suspensions results in deterioration of rheological and filtration properties while lignite addition was very beneficial. Static filtrations tests against Berea sandstones have been performed using a core holder and the various mud formulations. Pressure ports along the core holder allowed determination of permeability evolution during testing of the formed cake as well as of the core itself. A backflash arrangement allowed for determination of permeability recovery. Thermally aged muds reduced significantly core permeability and gave recovery rates around 50%. Three of the lignite samples, have maintained original core permeability giving also very high recovery rates. Some of the lignite samples, including the commercial one, did not perform as well and also gave permeability recoveries between 10 to 80%. Thus, static filtration against cores allows for differentiation of well performing lignite samples not only in API filter press tests but also in core permeability experiments.
机译:本文介绍了一项广泛的实验室研究计划的初步结果,该计划旨在确定膨润土悬浮液的潜在添加剂,这些添加剂可通过维持甚至改善这些流体的流变性和过滤特性而在高温下扩展其用途。已经测试了五种不同的Grrek褐煤,其重量百分比为3%。浓度以及商业褐煤产品用作参考。 API压滤机数据和流变数据表明,膨润土悬浮液的热老化会导致流变和过滤性能下降,而褐煤的添加非常有益。已经使用岩心固定器和各种泥浆配方对Berea砂岩进行了静态过滤测试。沿着岩心支架的压力孔可以确定在测试形成的滤饼以及岩心本身时的渗透率演变。逆流装置允许确定渗透率恢复。热老化的泥浆显着降低了岩心的渗透率,回收率约为50%。三个褐煤样品保持了原始的岩心渗透率,因此回收率也很高。一些褐煤样品,包括商业样品,表现不佳,渗透率回收率在10%到80%之间。因此,针对岩心的静态过滤不仅可以在API压滤机测试中,而且可以在岩心渗透性实验中区分性能良好的褐煤样品。



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