首页> 外文会议>International Joint Conference on Neural Networks;IJCNN 2009 >Efficient simulation of large-scale Spiking Neural Networks using CUDA graphics processors

Efficient simulation of large-scale Spiking Neural Networks using CUDA graphics processors




Neural network simulators that take into account the spiking behavior of neurons are useful for studying brain mechanisms and for engineering applications. Spiking neural network (SNN) simulators have been traditionally simulated on large-scale clusters, super-computers, or on dedicated hardware architectures. Alternatively, graphics processing units (GPUs) can provide a low-cost, programmable, and high-performance computing platform for simulation of SNNs. In this paper we demonstrate an efficient, Izhikevich neuron based large-scale SNN simulator that runs on a single GPU. The GPU-SNN model (running on an NVIDIA GTX-280 with 1 GB of memory), is up to 26 times faster than a CPU version for the simulation of 100 K neurons with 50 million synaptic connections, firing at an average rate of 7 Hz. For simulation of 100 K neurons with 10 million synaptic connections, the GPU-SNN model is only 1.5 times slower than real-time. Further, we present a collection of new techniques related to parallelism extraction, mapping of irregular communication, and compact network representation for effective simulation of SNNs on GPUs. The fidelity of the simulation results were validated against CPU simulations using firing rate, synaptic weight distribution, and inter-spike interval analysis. We intend to make our simulator available to the modeling community so that researchers will have easy access to large-scale SNN simulations.
机译:考虑到神经元尖峰行为的神经网络模拟器对于研究大脑机制和工程应用非常有用。传统上,尖峰神经网络(SNN)模拟器是在大型集群,超级计算机或专用硬件体系结构上模拟的。或者,图形处理单元(GPU)可以提供低成本,可编程且高性能的计算平台来模拟SNN。在本文中,我们演示了在单个GPU上运行的基于Izhikevich神经元的高效大型SNN模拟器。 GPU-SNN模型(在具有1 GB内存的NVIDIA GTX-280上运行)比CPU版本快26倍,用于模拟具有5000万个突触连接的100 K神经元,平均触发率为7赫兹。为了模拟具有1000万个突触连接的100 K神经元,GPU-SNN模型仅比实时速度慢1.5倍。此外,我们提出了一系列与并行性提取,不规则通信的映射和紧凑的网络表示有关的新技术,以在GPU上有效地模拟SNN。使用射击频率,突触权重分布和峰值间间隔分析,针对CPU仿真对仿真结果的保真度进行了验证。我们打算将我们的模拟器提供给建模社区,以便研究人员可以轻松访问大规模SNN模拟。



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