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On the Hardness of the Mersenne Low Hamming Ratio Assumption




In a recent paper, Aggarwal, Joux, Prakash, and Santha (AJPS) describe an ingenious public-key cryptosystem mimicking NTRU over the integers. This algorithm relies on the properties of Mersenne primes rather than polynomial rings. The security of the AJPS cryptosystem relies on the conjectured hardness of the Mersenne Low Hamming Ratio Assumption, defined in [1]. This work shows that AJPS' security estimates are too optimistic and describes an algorithm allowing to recover the secret key from the public key much faster than foreseen in [1]. In particular, our algorithm is experimentally practical (within the reach of the computational capabilities of a large organization), at least for the parameter choice {n = 1279, h = 17} conjectured in [1] as corresponding to a 2~(120) security level. The algorithm is fully parallelizable.
机译:在最近的一篇论文中,Aggarwal,Joux,Prakash和Santha(AJPS)描述了一个巧妙的公钥密码系统,在整数上模仿NTRU。该算法依赖于MerseNne Pripes的性质而不是多项式环。 AJPS密码系统的安全性依赖于Mersenne低汉明比假设的猜测硬度,定义为[1]。这项工作表明,AJPS的安全估计太乐观,描述了一种算法,允许从公钥恢复的秘密密钥快,而不是[1]中预见。特别地,我们的算法是实验实际的(在大型组织的计算能力范围内),至少对于参数选择{n = 1279,h = 17}在[1]中猜定为2〜(120 ) 安全级别。算法完全并行化。



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