
Semi-systolic Modular Multiplier over GF(2{sup}m)

机译:GF上的半收缩模块倍增器(2 {SUP} M)



The key operations for the public-key cryptosystems are modular inversion, division, and exponentiation. The modular multiplication is considered to be the basic arithmetic for them. This paper proposes a new algorithm and it's semi-systolic array architecture to compute the modular multiplication over GF(2{sup}m). They are based on the standard basis representation and use the property of irreducible all one polynomial as a modulus. The architecture has the critical path with 1-D{sub}(XOR) per cell and has the latency with m+1. These properties are better than the existing multipliers. Since the proposed multiplier has regularity, modularity and concurrency, it is suitable for VLSI implementation and can be easily utilized for the crypto-processor chip design.
机译:公钥密码系统的关键操作是模块化反转,划分和指数。模块化乘法被认为是它们的基本算术。本文提出了一种新的算法和它是半收缩阵列架构,用于计算GF(2 {SUP} M)的模块化乘法。它们基于标准基础表示,并使用IRRAFUEIBLE的所有多项式作为模量的性质。该体系结构具有每个单元格的1-D {sub}(XOR)的关键路径,并且具有M + 1的延迟。这些属性优于现有乘法器。由于所提出的乘数具有规律性,模块化和并发性,因此适用于VLSI实现,并且可以很容易地用于密码处理器芯片设计。



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