首页> 外文期刊>Microprocessors and microsystems >Low space-complexity and low power semi-systolic multiplier architectures over GF(2(m)) based on irreducible trinomial

Low space-complexity and low power semi-systolic multiplier architectures over GF(2(m)) based on irreducible trinomial


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This paper proposes a three bit-serial and digit-serial semi-systolic GF(2(m)) multipliers using Progressive Product Reduction (PPR) technique. These architectures are obtained by converting the GF(2(m)) multiplication algorithm into an iterative algorithm using systematic techniques for scheduling the computational tasks and mapping them to Processing Elements (PE). Three different semi systolic arrays were obtained. ASIC implementation of the proposed designs and previously published schemes were used to verify the performance of the proposed designs. One proposed design has at least 29% lower area compared to previously published bit/digit serial multipliers. This design has also at least 70% lower power compared to previously published bit/digit serial multipliers. Another proposed design has at least 12% lower power-delay product (PDP) compared to previously published bit/digit serial multipliers. This makes the proposed designs more suited to resource-constrained embedded applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文提出了一种使用累进积约简(PPR)技术的三位串行和半串行半收缩GF(2(m))乘法器。通过使用用于调度计算任务并将其映射到处理元素(PE)的系统技术将GF(2(m))乘法算法转换为迭代算法,可以获得这些体系结构。获得了三个不同的半收缩阵列。拟议设计的ASIC实现和先前发布的方案用于验证拟议设计的性能。与先前发布的位/数字串行乘法器相比,一种建议的设计具有至少29%的面积减小。与先前发布的位/数字串行乘法器相比,该设计的功耗至少降低了70%。与先前发布的位/数字串行乘法器相比,另一种建议的设计具有至少12%的低功耗乘积(PDP)。这使得所提出的设计更适合于资源受限的嵌入式应用。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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