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Surpassing Regulatory Requirements to Future Proof a Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility




Growing public interest in sustainable wastewater treatment practices is leading to a heightened expectation from stakeholders on the levels of treatment that should be achieved at treatment facilities across North America. Initial stakeholder consultation for the expansion of the $1.0 billion Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant (NLWWTP) near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, indicated a disconnect between the regulatory minimum treatment level (secondary treatment) and the desire of stakeholders and First Nations to protect the environment. Project staff developed an engagement process to work with the Board of Directors, comprised of elected officials from each local authority, to establish a balance between affordability and the public's desire for higher levels of treatment. This process included distilling engagement information into key themes, determining stepwise improvements to the baseline treatment process, and creating a series of clear and logical presentations to allow the elected officials to make an informed decision. The selected level of treatment exceeds the minimum requirements of the applicable effluent discharge regulations and includes biological nutrient removal and effluent filtration to address the desires of the community to protect the receiving environment.
机译:在可持续废水处理的做法越来越多的公众利益是从应该在整个北美处理设施达到治疗水平的利益相关者导致提高的期望。为$ 1.0十亿西北兰利污水处理厂(NLWWTP)温哥华,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省附近的扩展起始利益相关方磋商指示的最低监管要求处理水平(二级处理)和利益相关者的愿望和原住民保护之间的脱节环境。项目工作人员开发了一个参与过程将工作与董事会,从各地方当局由民选官员,以建立可承受性和公众之间的平衡渴求更高级别的待遇。这个过程包括蒸馏参与信息为重点主题,确定逐步改善基线处理工艺,并创造了一系列的逻辑清晰的演示,使当选的官员做出明智的决定。治疗的选择水平超过所适用的污水排放法规的最低要求,包括生物脱氮除磷和污水过滤,以解决社会的欲望,以保护接收环境。



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