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The Meaning of Opposing Element in the Drama 'Aku Diponegoro'

机译:戏剧“aku diponegoro”中相反的元素的含义



This study aims to find the meaning of the opposing elements contained in the drama "Aku Dipoonegoro". This drama contains many elements that are opposed to each other giving birth to stresses. This research uses the theory used is semiotics version of Ferdinand de Saussure. In this context the opposing elements in the drama "Aku Diponegoro!" Are the formal aspects, while the meanings are the focus of this research. From the results of this study can be seen that the opposition characterisation Diponegoro with General De Kock means a different world. Diponegoro is honest, polite and religious, while De Kock likes to betray, is not ethical. The opposition between Diponegoro with Wet Kerto Pangalasan describes two quite different characters, namely unyielding Diponegoro and persistent in the struggle, while Pangalasan easily surrenders to the enemy. The opposition between Tegalrejo atmosphere with Mataram Palace depicts two contrasting atmospheres. Tegalrejo is full of the peaceful and religious atmosphere of the Mataram Palace during Hamengku Buwono II full of worldly oriented intrigue.
机译:本研究旨在找到戏剧“aku dipoonegoro”中包含的对方元素的含义。这种戏剧包含许多元素,相互彼此产生生育。本研究使用该理论是Ferdinand De Saussure的符号学版。在这种情况下,戏剧中的反对元素“aku diponegoro!”是正式的方面,而含义是这项研究的重点。从这项研究的结果可以看出,与General de Kock的反对表征Diponegoro意味着不同的世界。 Diponegoro是诚实,礼貌和宗教的,而De Kock喜欢背叛,并不是道德。 Diponegoro与湿kerto pangalasan之间的反对描述了两个相当不同的角色,即不屈的diponegoro和斗争中的持久性,而Pangalasan容易向敌人投降。 Tegalrejo氛围与Mataram Palace之间的反对意见描绘了两个对比的环境。 Tegalrejo充满了Mataram宫殿的和平和宗教气氛,在Hamengku Buwono II中充满了世俗的阴蒂。



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