
Greenhouse Gases and Global Budgets: Status of Sources and Sinks




Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases have risen dramatically over the past century, resulting in a change in atmospheric composition that appears to be unprecedented in human history. However, while the sources of some greenhouse gases are primarily anthropogenic, key gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide also have significant natural sources and sinks that are difficult to quantify. Furthermore, processes that govern their fluxes between major reservoirs may change with time in response to global change. Hence the estimation of both current and future fluxes of greenhouse gases is a major challenge to the science community. The paper summarizes the progress in understanding and modelling these fluxes, and provides latest estiamtes on the nature and magnitudes of the related sources and sinks. The summary includes estiamtes for aerosol fluxes, which add an important additional radiative forcing within the climate system Finally, the paper presents best estimates on the relative radiative effect on the global climate system of past human contributions to changes in atmospheric concentrations of these greenhouse gases and aerosols.



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