
Ambient Air Quality Guideline Development in Alberta Environmental Guidelines




Recent work in Alberta on ambient air quality auideline development for protection of environmental receptors is presented and discussed. An ethylene guideline (interim) has recently been released for stakeholder and public review. An interim acid deposition guideline (a critical load) has been adopted, and an objective (a target load) is being developed. alberta is participating in the development of an ambient air ozone objective through participation in the Working Group on Air Quality Objectives and Guidelines, a subcommittee of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act/Federal-Provincial Advisory Committee. Also through this process, Alberta participated in the development and release of part 1 of the national protocol for the derivation of National Ambient Air Quality Objectives, and the national Science Assessment Document for hydrogen fluoride. The processes used in Alberta to derive guidelines and objectives for the protection of environmental receptors are also discussed.
机译:展示和讨论了举行了艾伯塔省在Alberta的工作环境,助攻环境受体保护环境受体的发展。 最近为利益攸关方和公众审查发布了乙烯指南(临时)。 已经采用了临时酸沉积准则(临界负载),正在开发目标(目标负载)。 艾伯塔省通过参与加拿大环境保护法案/联邦省委咨询委员会的小组委员会的空气质量目标和指南,参与环境空气臭氧目标。 此外,Alberta还参加了国家环境空气质量目标推导的国家协议第1部分的发展和发布,以及氟化氢的国家科学评估文件。 还讨论了艾伯塔省用于导出保护环境受体的指导方针和目标的过程。



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