首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Man-Power-Law-Governance >The specificity of the compositions, language and style of two editions of the novel 'The Springtime' ('Saasky Kem') by n. e. Mordinov-Amma Achchygyia

The specificity of the compositions, language and style of two editions of the novel 'The Springtime' ('Saasky Kem') by n. e. Mordinov-Amma Achchygyia

机译:n的新颖“春天”(“saasky kem”)的两种版本的组合物,语言和风格的特异性。 e。 Mordinov-Amma Achchygyia



The authors have the aim to reveal specific features in compositions of two editions of the novel "The Springtime" ("Saasky Kem") by a Yakut folk writer N. E. Mordinov-Amma Achchygyia, as well as in language and style of the literary work as a whole. The first edition of the novel was published in 1944 in a small volume and consisted of five parts. The novel is distinguished by originality and a special reality when creating characters, in addition this version was easily perceived by the reader. Critics found some shortcomings in it, the main of which was that the writer did not show the decisive role of the Russian people in the social liberation of the Yakut workers. As the critic D. T. Burtsev writes, initial three parts of the first edition of "The Springtime" was predominantly "moralistic." In the fourth part the writer tried to show national and historical perspective. In this work mass scenes were introduced for the first time, in the center of which is a character calling people to revolutionary struggle. In the last fifth part of the work autobiographical material is prevailed, which includes the moments of the character formation of Nikita Lyaglyarin and the description of people around him. Thus, the first edition of the novel consists of insufficiently interconnected "moralistic", national-historical and personal-cognitive components. Having received the critical comments N. Mordinov began to rewrite the novel with the requirements, set for writers of the era of socialist realism. As a result of rigorous work, the author managed to create a work with a more holistic epic content. The second edition of the novel was published in 1952, already in a twice larger volume. In this edition the author added characters who play an ideological-revolutionary and historical significance. According to critics, the national-historical problem aspect became leading: other problem-cognitive tendencies in the work are subordinated to this aspect or coordinated with it. It should be noted that in the second edition the language is literary worked out: the author skillfully uses stylistic devices (anaphora, epiphora, anaepiphora, anadiplosis, mesadiplosis, mesarchia, metabola, antimetabola, gradation, actualization, ellipsis, etc.), which create linguistic harmony and beauty of the literary work. The main purpose of the author is to convey the formation of the character and the revolutionary firmness of the protagonist Nikita Lyaglyarin, a young man from a poor family, who grew up in a remote Yakut village. The fate of the main character is closely connected with the fate of his native people. He grew up in the Yakut environment, his moral education is based on Yakut folklore and everyday life. Profoundly typical are the trials that he suffered: the need for a poor family, a life of starvation, social oppression and mockery of the rich. The Russian political exile and Bolshevik's beneficial role in the fate of Nikita, as well as his education on the works of great Russian literature, participation in the class struggle, has a huge generalizing meaning. In the last part of the novel, in which there is much autobiography, it was enough for the author to show that the revolution gave the hero and his friends great happiness to learn, freely develop their abilities, their spiritual world. Therefore, in the novel, there is no image of the main character's private life. We can conclude that the story of Nikita Lyaglyarin, being largely a self-sufficient personality, as a whole, was given according to the specific national-historical problematic aspect of the work. Theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its main theses and conclusions will be of value for detailed study of the Yakut classic novel and of the art heritage щa N. E. Mordinov-Amma Achchygyia in general; also the analysis of the two editions of the novel "The Springtime" ("Saasky Kem") and the conclusions made on it can be used as a theoretical
机译:作者的目标是通过yakut民间作家Ne Mordinov-Amma Achchygyia以及文学作品的语言和风格,揭示了两个新颖的“春天”(“Saky Kem”)的组合物中的特定特征。整个。这部小说的第一版于1944年以小体积发布,并由五个部分组成。这部小说是由创意和创建角色时的特殊现实的特殊情况,此外,读者很容易被识别。批评者发现了一些缺点,主要是,作者没有表现出俄罗斯人在雅库特工人的社会解放中的决定性作用。作为评论家D. T.Burtsev写道,第一版“春天”的初始三个部分主要是“道德化”。在第四部分,作者试图表现出国家和历史的观点。在这项工作中,第一次引入了大规模场景,在该中心的中心是一个呼叫人们革命斗争的角色。在过去的第五部分中,盛行自传,这包括尼基塔莱格纳林的角色形成的时刻以及他周围的人们的描述。因此,这部小说的第一版由不充分互连的“道德”,国家历史和个人认知组件组成。收到了批判性评论N. Mordinov开始重写小说的要求,为社会主义现实主义时代的作家设定。由于严格的工作,作者设法创建了一个更全面的史诗内容的工作。这部小说的第二版于1952年出版,已经批量两倍于两倍。在此版本中,作者添加了思想革命性和历史意义的人物。根据评论家,国家历史问题方面是领先地位:工作中的其他问题认知趋势从属于这方面或与之协调。应该指出的是,在第二版中,语言是文学设计的:作者巧妙地使用风格设备(华侨症,癫痫症,Anaepiphora,Anaadiplosis,Mesadiplosis,Mesarchia,代谢,antimetabola,渐变,实现,省略量等)创造语言和谐与文学作品的美丽。作者的主要目的是传达主角Nikita Lyaglyarin的角色和革命性的坚定性,一个来自一个贫困家庭的年轻人,他在远程雅库村长大。主角的命运与他的本地人的命运密切相关。他在雅库特环境中长大,他的道德教育是基于Yakut民俗和日常生活。典型的典型是他遭受的审判:需要一个贫穷的家庭,饥饿生活,社会压迫和富人的嘲弄。俄罗斯政治流亡和Bolshevik在Nikita的命运中的有益作用以及他对大俄罗斯文学作品的教育,参与阶级斗争,具有巨大的概括意义。在小说的最后一部分,其中有很多自传,这足以让作者表明革命给了英雄和他的朋友幸福的幸福,自由发展他们的能力,他们的精神世界。因此,在小说中,没有主角私生活的形象。我们可以得出结论,根据工作的特定国家历史问题方面,给出了Nikita Lyaglyarin的故事,这是一个整体的自给自足的个性。工作的理论和实践意义在于其主要论文和结论将是对雅库特经典小说和艺术遗产的详细研究的价值,щher·E。此外,分析了这两个新颖的“春天”(“SASKY KEM”)的分析以及它的结论可以用作理论



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