首页> 外文会议>Fiber Society Fall Meeting and Technical Conference >Coating of Citrus Cellulose Extracted from Citrus Peel Waste on Fabric for Technical Applications

Coating of Citrus Cellulose Extracted from Citrus Peel Waste on Fabric for Technical Applications




The aim of this study is to extract cellulose from peel waste of commonly grown citrus fruit named Citrus Reticulata, which is also commonly known as Kinnow. It is widely cultivated in Punjab region of Pakistan and India. It is a high yield mandarin, hybrid of two citrus cultivars, Willow Leaf and King. Kinnow is classified as King of all varieties of easy peelers and considered as the best variety in the world. The juice content in mandarin is about 44% to 47.5%, which is highest in all easy peeler varieties. Citrus fruits are consumed directly as fruits as well as for fresh and concentrated juices. The residue left after juice extraction contain valuable materials which needs to be regenerated to produce goods. As a rough estimate, more than half weight (52.5%) of the citrus fruit is wasted after juice extraction which is used for animal feeding or for burning in furnaces. This largely available raw material can provide value added products through processing and will easily attract investors to develop new industries. Citrus peel contains about 12.7% to 13.6% cellulosic content in it. The extraction of cellulose will provide cheap raw material for different industries including food, paper and pulp and textiles.
机译:本研究的目的是从名为Citrus Reticulata的普通柑橘类果实的剥离中提取纤维素,这也是通常称为Kinnow的。它在巴基斯坦和印度的旁遮普地区广泛培育。它是一种高产普通话,两种柑橘品种的杂交,杨柳叶和王。 Kinnow被归类为所有简单削皮器的王者,被认为是世界上最好的品种。普通话中的果汁含量约为44%至47.5%,这在所有容易的削皮器品种中都是最高的。柑橘类水果直接用作水果以及新鲜和浓缩的果汁。果汁萃取后留下的残留物含有有价值的材料,需要再生以生产商品。作为粗略估计,在果汁萃取后浪费了超过一半的柑橘类水果,其用于动物饲喂或烧制炉子。这主要可获得的原料可以通过加工提供增值产品,并将轻松吸引投资者开发新兴产业。柑橘皮含有约12.7%至13.6%的纤维素含量。纤维素的提取将为不同行业提供廉价原料,包括食品,纸和纸浆和纺织品。



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