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The sound environment of German preschools and preschool teachers' thoughts about sound generated by children




Noticeably, preschool children develop language and communication, so improvement of the preschool's sound environment is important. Currently, Japanese preschool facilities have experienced problems with noise. One cause is a lack of sound absorption. Moreover, the loudness of the generated sound is a second cause because preschool teachers generally believe that children's voices should not be muted. Therefore, improvement of sound environment is important and should be approached from both facility design and child behavior philosophy. In Germany, The German standard (DIN 18041) has necessitated the same level of sound absorption in the nursery as in elementary schools since 2004. Under the influence of these factors, architectural ideas, such as increasing the equivalent sound-absorption area, are generally seen at preschools (Kawai et al., 2018). Therefore, we have researched the sound environment at German preschools and preschool teachers' thoughts about the sound generated by children to identify ways to create a more acoustically comfortable learning environment. We observed three preschools and compared them to Japanese preschools. It was found that by implementing acoustic improvements in classroom design and increasing teacher awareness of appropriate sound environment, the noise levels tend to be lower. Consequently, it is believed that a proper acoustic environment improves overall awareness, leading to the creation of a better educational environment.
机译:明显,学龄前儿童开发语言和沟通,因此提高学龄前的声音环境很重要。目前,日本学龄前的设施遇到了噪音的问题。一个原因是缺乏吸收性。此外,生成的声音的响度是第二个原因,因为学龄前教师普遍认为儿童的声音不应被静音。因此,改善声音环境很重要,应该从设施设计和儿童行为哲学接近。在德国,自2004年以来,德国标准(DIN 18041)需要与小学中的托儿所相同的声音吸收水平。在这些因素的影响下,诸如增加等同的吸声区域的建筑思想通常是在学龄前(Kawai等,2018)。因此,我们研究了德国幼儿园和学龄前教师的声音环境,了解儿童产生的声音,以确定创造更有声学舒适的学习环境的方法。我们观察了三个学龄前,并将它们与日本幼儿园进行了比较。结果发现,通过在课堂设计中实施声学改进,提高教师对适当的声音环境的认识,噪声水平往往会降低。因此,据信适当的声学环境提高了整体意识,导致创造更好的教育环境。



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