
Human Behavior Verbalization in Literature




The article is focused on the ways of human behavior verbalization. The literary text, which is the author's interpretation of the characters' conduct, throws light on the socio-psychological nature of human behavior. The author conveys his verbal assessment and description of the characters' actions in his work at various language levels. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that the verbalization of human behavior in a literary text is considered at various linguistic levels, namely, lexical, syntactic and phraseological. O. Wilde's novel raises moral and ethical problems. According to the main topic, psychological, moral, social and aesthetic behavior is highlighted in the analysis of the means verbalizing human behavior. On the whole, the verbalization of behavior in the English language reflects its main characteristics and forms a separate fragment of the linguistic world image.
机译:这篇文章专注于人类行为言语的方式。文学文本是作者对人物行为的解释,揭示了人类行为的社会心理学性质。作者通过各种语言级别传达了他的口头评估和人物行动的描述。这项工作的科学新颖之处在于,在文学文本中的人类行为的语言中的语言中,是在各种语言学水平,即词汇,句法和言论。 O. Wilde的小说引发了道德和道德问题。根据主要话题,心理学,道德,社会和审美行为在分析中突出了人类行为的分析。总的来说,英语中行为的语言化反映了其主要特征,并形成了语言世界形象的单独片段。



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