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On Image Schemas of Comparatives in English and Chinese




Comparative is one of the basic semantic categories and its representation varies. Previous researches mainly focus on certain syntactic constructions, but systematic studies on comparative category are scarce. English and Chinese schematic representations are observed in this paper. We find that: 1) there are action schema, location schema, goal schema, sequence schema, polarity schema and particle schema as to English and Chinese comparative representations; and among these six schemas; 2) some represent dynamic events while others represent static ones; 3) some schemas are basic while some others are evolved via grammaticalization; 4) some schemas are blended and the mechanism of blending needs further investigation.
机译:比较是基本的语义类别之一,其表示变化。 以前的研究主要关注某些句法结构,但对比较类别的系统研究是稀缺的。 本文观察到英语和中文原理图表。 我们发现:1)英文和中文比较表示存在有动作架构,位置架构,目标模式,序列架构,极性架构和粒子架构; 在这六个模式中; 2)有些代表动态事件,而其他人代表静态; 3)一些模式是基本的,而其他一些模式通过语法化演变; 4)混合一些模式,混合需要进一步调查。



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