首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Chinese Schools: The Case of Dongchang Middle School Using Schema Theory

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Chinese Schools: The Case of Dongchang Middle School Using Schema Theory




This empirical study applies the schema theory English writing teaching in a middle school in China according to the new curriculum standards.This study mainly seeks to address two issues: i). Does the application of schema theory in teaching English writing in middle school effective? ii). Compared with the traditional teaching of English writing teaching methods, can middle school students’ English writing method based on schema theory be more efficient?The methods used in this study are known as the literature analysis and experimental research methods. This paper analyzes the current situation of middle school students' writing level and teachers' English writing, based on the schema theory of education.A survey was conducted as a teaching experiment for about two months in two parallel classes in Donchang Middle School. The controlled class used the traditional teaching method, while the experimental class used the teaching method based on schema theory. After about a period of the experiment, the two classes were post-tested and data collected, analyzed and conclusions made. The findings show that the Schema Theory used in English teaching can effectively improve the writing ability of students and enhance their confidence in English writing. Therefore, it is recommended that the schema theory should be used as a method of effectively teaching English writing.
机译:根据新的课程标准,本实证研究适用于中国中学的架构理论英语写作教学。这项研究主要寻求解决两个问题:i)。模式理论在中学英语写作中的应用吗? II)。与英语写作教学方法的传统教学相比,可以基于模式理论的中学生英语写作方法更有效吗?本研究中使用的方法称为文献分析和实验研究方法。本文根据教育模式,分析了中学生写作水平与教师英语写作的现状。在唐昌中学两个平行班上进行了一项教学实验。受控类使用传统的教学方法,而实验阶级使用了基于模式理论的教学方法。经过大约一段时间的实验后,两种课程被测试后,分析和结论所收集的数据。研究结果表明,英语教学中使用的模式理论可以有效地提高学生的写作能力,提升他们对英语写作的信心。因此,建议使用模式理论作为有效教授英语写作的方法。




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