首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences >Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Martian Meteorites and Earth Composition in the Energy Range 1 keV-100 GeV

Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Martian Meteorites and Earth Composition in the Energy Range 1 keV-100 GeV

机译:Martian Meteorites和地球组成的质量衰减系数1 Kev-100 Gev



Mass attenuation coefficients for 24 Martian meteorites have been determined in the energy range from 1 keV to 100 GeV. The values of mass attenuation coefficients (μ/p) of the samples were calculated the WINXCOM program. The obtained results for Martian meteorites have been compared with the results for Earth composition and similarities or differences also evaluated.
机译:24 Martian陨石的质量衰减系数已经在1 kev至100 GEV的能量范围内确定。计算样本的质量衰减系数(μ/ p)的值计算了Winxcom程序。将获得的Martian陨石的结果与地球成分和相似性的结果进行了比较,或者也评估了相似之处。



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