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Journey of Test and Self-discovery - Chivalric Virtues and Human Nature in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

机译:测试和自我发现的旅程 - 吉拉夫和绿色骑士的侠义德和人性



Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a fourteen-century poem and generally regarded as the best poem of the Medieval Arthurian literature, featuring its beautiful language, breathtaking plots and subtle and refined characterization. It tells the story of Sir Gawain, one of the best King Arthur's knights who answers the Green Knight's beheading challenge and stands tests from the latter. This paper will interpret Gawain's adventure as a journey of test as well as a journey of self-discovery by textual analysis and elaborate the humanism as well as chivalric virtues the poem reflects.
机译:Gawain和Green Knight爵士是十四世纪的诗歌,一般被认为是中世纪亚瑟语文的最佳诗,具有其美丽的语言,令人叹为观止的地块和微妙和精致的表征。它讲述了Gawain爵士,最好的国王亚瑟骑士之一的故事,他们回答了绿色骑士的斩首挑战并从后者的测试中得到了测试。本文将把Gawain的冒险作为考试的旅程以及通过文本分析的自我发现的旅程,并详细阐述人文主义以及侠义的诗歌反映。



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