首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Managing Soils for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation >Improving Irrigation Practice to Reduce Risk of Nitrogen Percolation into Deeper Aquifers in Vegetable Cultivation in Suburban Ha Noi; Viet Nam

Improving Irrigation Practice to Reduce Risk of Nitrogen Percolation into Deeper Aquifers in Vegetable Cultivation in Suburban Ha Noi; Viet Nam

机译:改善灌溉实践,以降低郊区HA NOI植物栽培中氮渗透渗透液体的风险;越南



This research demonstrates the advantages of drip irrigation with scheduling (DIS) over furrow irrigation (Fl) for improving water use efficiency (WUE) and reducing the risk of potential nitrogen (N) con-lamination of groundwater in cabbage cultivation on alluvial soils of the Red River, North Viet Nam. Compared with Fl, the DIS practice improved the irrigation WUE of the vegetable from 2.11 ±0.35 to 5.23±0.41 kg/m3 during the autumn-winter (October-December), and from 2.15±0.27 to 5.31 ±0.35 kg/m3during the winter-spring (February—ApriI) cropping seasons. Overall, DIS saved between 42 percent and 46 percent of water in comparison with Fl during the autumn-winter and winter-spring seasons, respectively. It appears that with Fl, ammonium (NH4+) percolates beyond the rooting depth of the crop, but in DIS it does not. Percolation could potentially cause groundwater contamination with NH4+. The delta nitrogen-15 (615N) values of ammonium in Fl increased with increasing NH4+ concentration implying that there were at least two sources of N release, namely from inorganic fertilizer and from the manure applied. The o~(15)N of the soil nitrate (NO_3") in Fl was almost unchanged with increasing NO_3" concentration, varying from 1%o to 5%o, suggesting that N0_3" was derived only from inorganic fertilizer. With DIS, soil NhV was found to be from the manure whereas NO_3" was from inorganic fertilizers.
机译:该研究表明,通过调度(DIS)在沟槽灌溉(FL)上进行滴灌(DIS)来改善水利用效率(WUE)并降低卷心白栽培中地下水的潜在氮气(n)覆盖的风险红河,北越南。与FL相比,DIS在秋冬(十二月至12月)期间将蔬菜的灌溉电力从2.11±0.35升至5.23±0.41千克/ M3。冬季(冬季)为2.15±0.27至5.31±0.35千克/ m3 -spring(2月 - Aprii)裁剪季节。总体而言,分别在秋冬和冬季春季的春季和冬季春季分别挽救了42%和46%的水。似乎用Fl,铵(NH 4 +)渗透到作物的生根深处,但在Dis中没有。渗透可能会导致NH4 +的地下水污染。随着NH 4 +浓度的增加,氨的铵-15(615n)的铵的铵 - 15(615n)增加,这意味着存在至少两个N释放来源,即来自无机肥料和施用的粪便。在F1中的土壤硝酸盐(NO_3“)的O〜(15)n几乎不变,随着1%〜5%o而变化,表明N0_3”仅来自无机肥料。有DIS,土壤NHV被发现来自粪便,而NO_3“来自无机肥料。



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