
Optimizations for LTL Synthesis




We present an approach to automatic synthesis of specifications given in Linear Time Logic. The approach is based on a translation through universal co-Buchi tree automata and alternating weak tree automata [1]. By careful optimization of all intermediate automata, we achieve a major improvement in performance. We present several optimization techniques for alternating tree automata, including a game-based approximation to language emptiness and a simulation-based optimization. Furthermore, we use an incremental algorithm to compute the emptiness of nondeterministic Buchi tree automata. All our optimizations are computed in time polynomial in the size of the automaton on which they are computed. We have applied our implementation to several examples and show a significant improvement over the straightforward implementation. Although our examples are still small, this work constitutes the first implementation of a synthesis algorithm for full LTL. We believe that the optimizations discussed here form an important step towards making LTL synthesis practical.



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