首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education >The Role and Position of Bundo Kanduang In Local Color of Minangkabau Contemporary Novels

The Role and Position of Bundo Kanduang In Local Color of Minangkabau Contemporary Novels

机译:Bundo Kanduang在Minangkabau当代小说中的角色和地位



This research was generally aimed to explain about the role and the position of Bundo Kanduang in local color novels Minangkabau written in the New Era. Specifically, it focused on creating a systematic, factual, and accurate picture or painting of the facts, traits and relationships among the phenomena under investigation. This qualitative research has data that decomposes in the form of words or images, not in the form of numbers. This study applied content analysis approach (content analysis) because it intends to dig the contents and messages contained in data or research data sources. Based on the research found that women as Bundo Kanduang in the people on the novels Minangkabau background in the New Era looks more freely in running its role. A woman can take her own decisions in running her life, and even has actively participated in the institution of women's empowerment. They are more able to choose the preferred spouse. In some novels they even dare to reject the rules that they think harm the people. In addition, some novels revealed the existence of women through working, not limited to taking care of the household, but can be involved in the community.
机译:这项研究通常旨在解释Bundo Kanduang在新时代撰写的当地彩色小说小说小说的作用和立场。具体而言,它专注于创造在调查中的现象中的系统,事实和准确的图像或绘画的事实,特征和关系。这种定性研究具有以单词或图像形式分解的数据,而不是数字的形式分解。本研究应用了内容分析方法(内容分析),因为它打算挖掘数据或研究数据源中包含的内容和消息。基于研究发现,妇女作为Bundo Kanduang的小说中的小说中的Minangkabau背景在新时代看起来更自由地运行其作用。一个女人可以在运行她的生活中,甚至积极参与妇女赋权机构。他们更能选择首选配偶。在一些小说中,他们甚至敢于拒绝他们认为伤害人民的规则。此外,一些小说揭示了妇女通过工作的存在,不仅限于照顾家庭,还可以参与社区。



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