首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education >Does the Writing Argumentative Text Ability Correlate to Writing Motivation and Grammatical Competence?

Does the Writing Argumentative Text Ability Correlate to Writing Motivation and Grammatical Competence?




This research focused on the ability of writing argumentative text correlate to writing motivation and grammatical competence. This research used survey method through correlational study. It was conducted on the students of grade X in SMA Negeri 3 Serang in academic year 2016/2017 using simple random sampling technique. The data collection in this research were tests to get the data of writing argumentation ability and grammatical competence, while the questionnaire with Likert scale is used to get the data of students' writing motivation. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The data was analyzed using SPSS program version 22.00. Prior to hypothesis testing, several requirements were done: 1) normality test by using Lilliefors technique, 2) linearity test using F test; and 3) correlation test of product moment correlation from Pearson. The results prove: 1) the correlation coefficient (rxly) shows that the r_(count) is higher than the r_(table) (0.585>0.245). Therefore the first hypothesis is accepted; 2) the correlation coejficient (rx2y) shows that the r_(count) is higher than the r_(table) (0.786>0.245). This means that the second hypothesis is accepted; and 3) the Fcount coefficient 9,421>F_(table) 4.07. Based on the test results, Pvalue 0.000 is lower than 0.05. The conclusion is that the motivation of writing (X_1) and grammatical competence (X_2) has a positive and significant relationship with the ability to write argumentative text (Y).
机译:该研究主要集中在写议论文关联到写作动机和语法能力的能力。通过相关性研究本研究采用问卷调查的方法。它是在X级的SMA森美兰3西朗学生在学年2017分之2016采用简单随机抽样法进行。在这项研究中的数据采集是测试,以获得书面论证能力和语法能力的数据,而与李克特量表问卷是用来让学生的数据写入动机。所收集的数据进行了描述性和推理性分析。使用SPSS程序版本22.00对数据进行分析。假设检验之前,几个要求中进行:1)正态性检验通过使用里尔福斯技术,2),使用F检验线性度测试;和3)从皮尔逊积矩相关的相关性检验。结果证明:1)的相关系数(rxly)示出了R_(计数)比R_(表)(0.585> 0.245)更高。因此,第一假设被接受; 2)相关coejficient(rx2y)示出了R_(计数)比R_(表)(0.786> 0.245)更高。这意味着,第二个假设是可接受的;和3)FCOUNT系数9421> F_(表)4.07。根据试验结果,P值0.000是低于0.05。结论是,写作(X_1)和语法能力(X_2)的动机有着积极而有写议论文的能力(Y)显著的关系。



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