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The Application of Blended Learning Through Edmodo and Kahoot on Civic Education to Form 21st Century Skills in Secondary School




This study aims to provide an overview of the application of blended learning through edmodo and kahoot on civic education to develop 21st Century Skills. The research design used was a Qualitative Approach. Data were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The participants in this study were civic education teachers and students. Data were analyzed using the step of data reduction, display data and Verification. Based on the result of the study, it can be conclude that: (1) The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encourages teacher to be able to carry out learning innovation emphasizing competency-oriented approaches to the use ICT; (2) Entering the 21st Century, student face the more chalenging world so that they need to learn various competencies to suport the success of their lives; (3) Edmodo and kahoot is one of the innovation in learning that can be applied in Civic Education learning as blended learning to build 21st Century Skills in secondary School.
机译:本研究旨在概述通过Edmodo和Kahoot对公民教育的混合学习的应用,以发展21世纪的技能。使用的研究设计是一种定性方法。通过观察,访谈和文件研究获得数据。本研究的参与者是公民教育教师和学生。使用数据的步骤进行分析数据,显示数据和验证。根据该研究的结果,可以得出结论:(1)信息和通信技术(ICT)的发展鼓励老师能够开展学习创新,强调有能力导向的方法对使用ICT的方法; (2)进入21世纪,学生面临越来越多的世界,以便他们需要学习各种能力来缓和他们的生活成功; (3)Edmodo和Kahoot是学习的创新之一,可以在公民教育学习中应用混合学习,以建立中学21世纪的技能。



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