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Yang in the Question and Answer Sentences of Indonesian Language




In Indonesian grammar, yang used only with question words siapa 'who' and apa 'what', in specific position, like in Siapa yang menulis surat? 'Who wrote the letter?', and Surat apa yang ditulis oleh Ali? 'What kinds of letter did Ali wrote?'. Yang did not used in the sentences Kamu mencari siapa (*yang)? 'You look for whom?/Whom did you look for?', Ali menulis apa (*yang)? 'Ali write what? / what did Ali write?' From the contrast of two kinds of sentences, we ruled out that yang used only with apa and siapa which asked grammatical subject. In the sentences such as Siapa yang bajunya sobek? 'Whose shirt is torn?' and Ali apanya yang sobek? 'What Ali's thing is torn?'. Do the two last sentences ask the grammatical subject? The answer of Siapa yang menulis surat? is Ali yang menulis surat 'Ali wrote the letter'. The answer of Siapa yang bajunya sobek? is Ali yang bajunya sobek. The answer sentences used yang. This article will rule out the usage of yang in question and answer sentences.
机译:在印度尼西亚语法中,杨只使用了问题词语siapa'谁'和apa'是什么',在特定位置,就像在西亚杨梅林苏拉特一样? “谁写了这封信?',和苏拉特apa yang ditulis oleh ali? “阿里写了什么类型的信?”。杨没有用在Kamu Mencari Siapa(*杨)的句子中? '你找谁?/你在寻找谁?',阿里menulis apa(* yang)? '阿里写了什么? /阿里写了什么?“从两种句子的对比中,我们排除了杨只使用APA和SIAPA,提出语法主题。在SIAPA Yang Bajunya Sobek等句子中? '撕裂了谁的衬衫?'和阿里艾安娜杨圣克斯? “阿里的东西被撕裂了?”最后两个句子问语法主题吗? SIAPA YANG MENULIS SURAT的答案?是阿里杨梅林苏拉特'阿里写信'。 SIAPA YANG BAJUNYA SOBEK的答案?是阿里杨巴金亚萨圣克。答案句子使用阳。本文将排除阳的使用情况和回答句子。



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