首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Social, Economic, and Academic Leadership >Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Thinking or Acting?

Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Thinking or Acting?




This paper focuces on the determinants of entrepreneurship and leadership. Specifically, it contemplates on whether these determinants are subjected to careful planning and preparation (thinking) or to the bold descion-making (acting). We argue that success in business can be greatly enhanced with an understanding of key characteristics and competencies solutions. We show that this can be one of the key elements needed to improve organizational strengths and growth. Moreover, we find that creativity can also become the feature that is dominant both for leadership and business. In addition, there are other factors that contribute to the successful leadership on the market.
机译:本文重点配对创业与领导的决定因素。 具体而言,它考虑了这些决定因素是否受到仔细规划和准备(思考)或大胆的降序(代理)。 我们认为,在理解关键特征和能力解决方案的情况下,可以大大提高业务的成功。 我们表明这可以是提高组织优势和增长所需的关键元素之一。 此外,我们发现创造力也可以成为领导和业务占主导地位的功能。 此外,还有其他因素有助于成功的市场领导。



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