首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Social, Economic, and Academic Leadership >Educational emigration: challenges and threats for preserving educational leadership in Ukraine

Educational emigration: challenges and threats for preserving educational leadership in Ukraine




Liberalization of the leading countries' migration policy towards attracting additional intellectual capital as a factor for ensuring the development of sustainable innovation economy creates significant challenges for Ukraine in the context of preserving its educational leadership. The processes of students' academic mobility growth as well as the threat of reduction of the human capital, the loss of leadership of Ukrainian higher education institutions in giving competitive educational services during education and internships in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space and Bologna process are intensified. The problem of educational emigration is explored thoroughly. We consider educational emigration deliberately as an independent form, a separate kind of migration, a different one from the "brain drain". The paper analyses the trends and dynamics as well as the retrospective analysis of the main causes of educational emigration of Ukrainian citizens. The continued high demand of Ukrainian citizens for higher education is emphasized. At the same time, the fact that more and more Ukrainians realize their aspirations to pursue higher education in foreign universities as modern leaders in education, is pointed out. This fact is evidenced clearly by an illustrative example, that disproportionately high rate of reducing the number of national higher education institutions' students in relation to the dynamics of the general number of school graduates. The main causes of educational emigration are explained by the authors, first of all, by dissatisfaction with the quality of life in Ukraine and in addition, in difficulties due to monetizing of the knowledge and professional skills and competencies of the higher education institutions' graduates. The main positive and negative consequences of the educational emigration for Ukraine in terms of their impact on the possibility of preserving its intellectual potential for innovation development of the national economy are analysed in the article. The reform in the sphere of education aiming at enhancing national higher education institutions as well as strengthening their leadership position in the educational space is defined as an indispensable part of the background for creating the integrated governing state policy. The latter is aimed at creating proper conditions favourable for professional fulfilment of the individuals with higher education along with the increasing prestige and image of the intellectual work.



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