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Adolescent Problem in Psychology: A Review of Adolescent Mental Health Studies




The stage of development is the stage where a child begins to grow up from childhood to a more mature stage. The figures in psychology have explained various theories about the importance of adolescent development. Teenagers will go through certain stages to reach maturity. Adolescent development is characterized by physical changes, ways of thinking, language, and socioemotional. Principles from the developmental stage are produced through biology, environment, and experience. Support from parents, school environment, and peers are crucial during the development stage. This article discusses some of the psychological problems which occur among adolescents during the past six years, along with preventive and intervening actions. Neglection, self-harm, smoking behavior, suicidal behavior, substance abuse, eating behavior, sexual behavior, bullying, and the use of internet & games are parts of psychological problems. This article suggests all parties, especially parents and teachers, to have a better understanding of problems among adolescents. Adolescents' mental health needs to be addressed appropriately to help them pass the development stages successfully.



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