首页> 外文会议>Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership >Management Analysis of Karate Sports Coaching at Kei Shin University Kan Karate-do North Sumatera

Management Analysis of Karate Sports Coaching at Kei Shin University Kan Karate-do North Sumatera

机译:Kei Shin University Kan空手道的空手道体育教练管理分析 - Do North Sumatera



This research will be conducted at Kei Shin Kan Karate-Do College of North Sumatera because it is a major college of Karate in North Sumatra. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach means the problems discussed aims, to be able to describe or describe the existing state or phenomenon or research process to understand human or social problems, based on a complex order, a holistic picture, said, reporting the informants' detailed views and carried out in a natural setting. In this study, the respondents or subjects were: 1) official, 2) trainers, 3) athletes and 4). community or athlete's parents. Data collection techniques can be done by 1) observation 2) interview 3) documentation 4) combined / triangulation.
机译:该研究将在北苏马特的Kei Shin Kan空手道进行,因为它是北苏门答腊省的一个主要的空手道学院。本研究采取的方法是一种定性方法,意味着讨论的问题,能够描述或描述现有的国家或现象或研究过程,以了解人类或社会问题,基于一个全面的秩序,一张整体画面说,报告线人的详细观点并在自然环境中进行。在本研究中,受访者或受试者是:1)官方,2)培训师,3)运动员和4)。社区或运动员的父母。数据收集技术可以通过1)观察2)访谈3)文档4)组合/三角测量。



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