首页> 外文会议>Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership >The Influence of Napier Stem Use Tools on Student Counting Ability in Fourth Grade on Muhammadiyah Private Elementary School: The Napier Rods Against of Student Counting Ability

The Influence of Napier Stem Use Tools on Student Counting Ability in Fourth Grade on Muhammadiyah Private Elementary School: The Napier Rods Against of Student Counting Ability




The napier rod props were discovered by a nobleman from Scotlandian John Napier in 1550-1617. This calculation tool is designed to simplify the heavy duty in multiplication of multiplication by using a napier rod with multiplication transformation into a matter of addition. As for the formulation of the problem in this research is How to use Napier rod props to the students' numeracy ability, whether there is influence the use of Napier rod props to the ability of counting students, how much influence the use of props napier stem against the ability to count students. This study aims to determine the use of napier rod props against the ability to count students, to determine whether there is influence of the use of props stem napier on the ability to count students. to find out how much influence the use of props napier stem against the ability to count students. From the results of the research, the use of napier rod props averaged 69.67 and standard deviation 6.75, students' numeracy ability 73.83 and standard deviation 7.93. From the analysis of the use of napier rod props to the ability of counting students in having a significant relationship. It is indicated in the regression equation = 31,708 + 0,514x, the influence of variable use of napier bar tool to student counting ability is 36,5%. The result of hypothesis test is known significant number 0.000 or 0.000 <0,005. By that reason, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is a significant influence between the use of napier rod props against the ability to count students.
机译:在1550年至1617年,由苏格兰人John Napier的贵族发现了纳皮尔棒道具。该计算工具旨在通过使用纳皮尔棒来简化乘法乘法的繁重占性能,以添加乘法转换。至于制定本研究中的问题是如何使用纳米尔棒道具对学生的算法能力,是否有影响利用纳米尔棒道具的能力计数学生的能力,如何影响道具纳米尔茎的影响反对计算学生的能力。本研究旨在确定利用纳米尔棒道具的使用,以判断学生的能力,以确定是否存在道具杆纳米人对算学生的能力的影响。要了解如何利用道具纳米尔源的影响力减少了算学生的能力。从研究结果,利用纳米尔棒支柱的使用平均为69.67和标准偏差6.75,学生的数量能力73.83和标准偏差7.93。从分析利用纳米尔杆道具到算具有重要关系的能力。它在回归方程中表示= 31,708 + 0,514倍,可变利用纳米尔杆工具对学生计数能力的影响为36.5%。假设试验结果是已知的,显着的数量为0.000或0.000 <0,005。因此,何被拒绝,哈被接受。这意味着在利用纳米尔杆道具反对计数学生的能力之间存在显着影响。



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