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Introduction to professional sports teaching central Africa the cultivation of the students' interest in sports




This article from the sports teaching china-africa professional sports the cultivation of the students' interest in sports, this paper discusses the main factors affecting the forming, puts forward the corresponding training methods according to these factors and the method, thus improve the non-professional sports physical health level of students, promote the healthy development of the body. Refers to a kind of with interest in the understanding of the emotional color, it is mainly based on some things to know and explore, on the basis of the need to seek truth is a kind of psychological tendency. Einstein once said: "interest is the best teacher. Once a person has the interest, as the power, he will be in a very full enthusiasm into the do, also, in the sports teaching, if want to let the students love sports, like this course, should stimulate their enthusiasm for physical education, cultivate their interest in sports, and physical education more rich and colorful".
机译:本文从体育教学中的中国 - 非洲专业体育培养了学生对体育的兴趣,本文讨论了影响成型的主要因素,提出了根据这些因素和方法的相应培训方法,从而改善了非专业体育身体健康水平的学生,促进身体的健康发展。指一种兴趣对情感色的理解,主要是基于一些要知道和探索的事情,在需要寻求真理的基础上是一种心理倾向。爱因斯坦曾经说过:“兴趣是最好的老师。一旦一个人有兴趣,就像能力一样,他将以非常充分的热情进入那样,也是在体育教学中,如果想让学生喜欢运动,像本课程一样,应该刺激他们对体育的热情,培养他们对体育的兴趣,体育更加丰富多彩“。



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