
Evolution of the term 'race' in legal discourse practices




The article describes discourse practices as transforming verbal activities. The research aims to analyze their evolution as a result of the dynamic transition from the concept to the notion and term. The novelty of the article is due to the study of discourse practices through semiotic entities (concept, notion and term) which helps follow their evolution in legal settings. The evolution of discourse practices was analyzed by studying the term 'race' in legal texts. Evolution of discourse practices is described as follows: 1) at the first stage, there is a dispersion of features and no unified nomination (Discourse of Differences); at the second stage, the semiotic entity acquires a nomination as a result of negotiating features (Discourse of Concord); at the third stage, the semiotic entity evolves into the term (Discourse of Expert Community). The article emphasizes that in modern semiosis, knowledge can develop other term compared to the described above - the term can evolve into the notion or the notion can evolve into the concept. Linguistic and semiotic analysis of evolution of legal discourse practices helped to identify a promising research field - a dialectical transformation of knowledge from the term into the notion or from the notion into the concept.
机译:本文介绍了转换口头活动的话语实践。该研究旨在通过从概念到概念和术语的动态转换来分析它们的演变。这篇文章的新颖性是通过符号实体(概念,概念,术语)研究话语实践,这有助于遵循其在法律设置的演变。通过在法律文本中研究“种族”一词来分析话语实践的演变。话语实践的演变描述如下:1)在第一阶段,特征分散,没有统一提名(话语差异);在第二阶段,符号学实体因谈判特征而获得提名(康科德话语);在第三阶段,符号学实体进入这个术语(专家社区的话语)。本文强调,在现代的半决分中,与上述描述相比,知识可以发展其他术语 - 该术语可以进入概念或者概念可以进入概念。法律话语实践演变的语言与符号学分析有助于确定一个有前途的研究领域 - 从术语进入概念的术语或概念中的知识的辩证转换。



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