
Early career guidance: search for advanced formats




The article attempts to search for advanced formats of conducting early career guidance that meet the requirements of modern economy, parents' and societies' educational needs. The relevance of the issue of competent career guidance in primary school is grounded. The paper presents a review of national psychological and pedagogical research areas on the topic of career guidance for young people. The paper describes principles and advanced ideas which can become defining points in the development of epy career guidance process at the early stage of education. The definition of the socio-pedagogical support for the process of early career guidance is given. The paper brings forward a developed model of socio-pedagogical support for early career guidance. The model takes into account specific patterns of students' socio-professional self-determination. Some structural elements of the model are characterized, i.e. its goal, tasks, subjects, conditions, principles, methods, implementation process, criteria of efficiency of the process of socio-pedagogical support for early career guidance. Special attention is focused on the description of the process of implementing the regional model of socio-pedagogical support for students' early career guidance by means of Children's technopark innovative developing environment, the use of educational and methodological literature that presents didactic characters who possess distinct positive orientations to labour values and standards. The results of the study are practice-oriented and can be used in the school and supplementary education context, in the system of professional training of primary school teachers.



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