首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education >Searching for Identity in Dilemma - Symbolism in Native Son and Invisible Man

Searching for Identity in Dilemma - Symbolism in Native Son and Invisible Man

机译:寻找困境中的身份 - 象征主义在帝国和隐形男人的象征中



As the representatives and classics of African American literature in the history of American literature, "Native Son" and "Invisible Man" portrayed two classic black images in their respective times, with their profound social significance, Bigger, from the Tolerant to violent, and "I" have the low self-esteem, even without the name. It has been questioned for hundreds of years what and how African Americans search for the real identities for themselves. The paper is to know more about the inner world of the African Americans and the potential social background by analyzing the symbolisms in the works respectively.



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