首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Education Technology, Management and Humanities Science >Focus on Tragic Fate of Lower-class Female Citizens in Social Transition Period - A Case Study of Film Feng Shui

Focus on Tragic Fate of Lower-class Female Citizens in Social Transition Period - A Case Study of Film Feng Shui

机译:专注于社会转型期下阶层女性公民的悲剧命运 - 以电影为例冯水



Film Feng Shui is adapted from the novel of the same name by Fang Fang with strong tragedy consciousness and realism style of the original novel. This film focuses on tragic fate and personality of heroine Li Baoli, and leads the audience to think about living dilemma of lower-class female citizens in social transition period. Female writer Fang Fang, from Wuhan, is one of representative writers of Chinese "New Realism" School, and her novels focus particularly on fate of females from all classes and especially intellectuals and lower-class citizens. In a series of novels with females as the heroines such as Where Is Home, Running Flames, and Feng Shui etc, Fang Fang builds a world of females, reveals fate of females and implies profound critical discourse of females with words full of enthusiasm and painstaking efforts. In December 2012, her novel Feng Shui was adapted into a film of the same name and released to the public. This film is directed by Wang Jing with strong tragedy consciousness of the original novel, focuses on tragic fate and personality of the heroine, and leads the audience to think about living dilemma of lower-class female citizens in social transition period.



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