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A Feng Shui landscape and Tree Planting with explanation based on Feng Shui Diaries: A case study of Mainland Okinawa, Japan


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High mountains in back and facing the sea is an ideal Feng Shui village landscape in Okinawa. Such a location is perfect for semi-agricultural and semi-fishing production. When and how a Feng Shui village came into being is still a myth to the historians. The only complete records of Feng Shui village inspections of Inamine and its close neighbor, Makija hamlets, by Feng Shui masters from 1857 to 1888 exist there. These items of literature allow us to have a rough look at Feng Shui layout in then early-modern Ryukyu. On basis of Feng Shui diaries and remnant huge Fukugi trees, this study aims to clarify die settlement and the development process of Feng Shui village landscape in Okinawa. Tree planting has been highlighted in these Feng Shui diaries. Utakis, the local sacred places usually covered with lush forests, are the primary concern of village Feng Shui. Dense forests were required to be planted on the Feng Shui sites, a spot or an area of significance to the whole village Feng Shui. Tree planting around the houses, along the coastline, and even along rivers has effectively protected the village houses and paddy fields from strong winds. All remnant huge Fukugi trees older than 200 years were found in Muranaha, the hamlet center and also the oldest part of Inamine hamlet. About 14 big trees were standing in village Ho:go, among which 13 were on the coastline. Ho:go is a particular Feng Shui word in Okinawa, literally means embraced protection. Ho:go is also used to refer to forest belts that surround a house, a village or coastline. It is assumed that Ho:go might have been recommended by the central government around 1737-1750 in Okinawa. The biggest tree found in Inamine is estimated to be around 298 years old. From the remnant trees, a number of houses in Inamine might have existed early to 300 years ago. It might have been considered as an administrative hamlet by the central government around 1751, with the planting of village Ho:go. The oldest houses were first built in the center and, with the population increase, later spread to the surrounding areas.
机译:后面的高山和面对海的风景是冲绳理想的风水村景观。这样的位置非常适合半农业和半捕捞生产。风水村的形成时间和方式仍然是历史学家的神话。 1857年至1888年,风水大师对风水村对Inamine及其近邻Makaki小村庄的视察仅有完整记录。这些文学作品使我们可以大致了解一下当时的近现代琉球的风水布局。本研究以风水日记和残存的巨大福吉树为基础,旨在阐明冲绳风水村落景观的死因及发展过程。这些风水日记强调了植树。乌塔基斯(Utakis)是当地的圣地,通常布满茂密的森林,是风水村的主要关注点。在风水遗址上必须种植茂密的森林,这是整个风水村庄重要的景点或区域。在房屋周围,沿海岸线乃至河流处植树都有效地保护了乡村房屋和稻田免受强风的侵袭。在村民中心Muranaha以及Inamine村民中最古老的部分,发现了所有超过200年的残留的巨大福吉树。 Ho:go村大约有14棵大树,其中13棵在海岸线上。 Ho:go在冲绳是一个特殊的风水词,字面意思是受到保护。 Ho:go也用于指环绕房屋,村庄或海岸线的森林带。据推测,Ho:go可能是中央政府在1737-1750年左右在冲绳推荐的。在Inamine中发现的最大的树估计有298年的历史。从残留的树木来看,伊纳米的许多房屋可能早在300年前就已存在。 1751年左右,随着Ho:go村的种植,它可能被中央政府视为行政村。最古老的房屋首先建在市中心,随着人口的增加,后来又扩散到了周边地区。



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